In General Zimbabwe is a very tolerant State. Recent Events over the last decade are showing doubt over the level of Tolerance.
After All in some places the Church is the only sanctuary allowed for Free Thought.
The POSA (Public Order and Security Act) has been used to prevent Churches from having large prayer rallies. According
to the Solidarity Peace Trust there have been more serious efforts to repress the Church. The CIO used an old Intelligence
Trick to force the Archbishop of Bulawayo (And a Critic of the Government) Pius Ncube to resign after creating a Sex Scandal.
There are a couple of questions that need to be asked First What will the United Methodist Church do if its largest Seminary
outside the US is closed down? (Africa University and it happens to be in Zimbabwe.)
Why have the Christian Leaders here in the United States been silent while the reputation of a fellow pastor has been
How much more suffering has to take place in Zimbabwe before the World finally Intervenes?

This flag symbolized hope when it replaced the Union Jack back in 1980. Now its seen as a symbol of repression.
In a country where Inflation is over a 1,000% and unemployment is over 60% an assault on religious leaders now will be seen
as a knee-jerk reaction.
IN 2005 the Government Cracked down on Churches as part of Operation Take Out the Trash. Who knows what will be the next
action taken against People of Faith that are attempting to assist their fellow brothers in need.
This article was written by Scott Morgan