For Fours Days the Country Simmered just below the Boiling Point. An Early Lead by the Main Opposition Candidate Raila Odinga
Gradually Eroded. The Official Results were announced on December 30th. The Incumbent Mwai Kibaki was officially Announced
as the Winner.
After a Hastily arranged Ceremony President Kibaki started his second term as President of Kenya. Already the British
Government and the EU have questioned the Freedom and Fairness of this Election. So now what will the United States one of
the Most Important Allies of Kenya do?

Behold the Flag of Kenya. The violence here has only been overshadowed by the Brutal Assassination of Ms. Bhutto!!
The United States played a crucial role indirectly in this Election Cycle. During the Fall Run up to the Election the ruling
PNU (Party of National Unity) did set up a Office in Oakland,California with the Specific Goal of Fundraising. The amount
of Money raised in California has not been disclosed.
The US Political Guru Dick Morris was Consulting the Campaign of Mr. Odinga. It is not known what effect he had on that
On Election day the US Embassy deployed over 200 Observers both American and Kenyan to various polls around the Country.
What will the US Embassy and the State Department say about these elections?
This Note for Other Readers of My Articles: When the US Reaction is announced there will be a more detailed account coming