So there are Several Questions to need to be asked?
The Charges against Shell are Serious indeed. Conspiracy is a Difficult Charge
to Prove. But the Company did Benefit by the Actions of the Nigerian Government. After All one of the most Vocal Critics against
the Company was removed from the scene.
Why should the US Be Concerned?
Roughly 30% of the Oil Imported into the United States comes from the Niger
Delta. Nigeria is a close Political Ally of the United States as well.
Chevron a US Based Oil Company has Interests in the Niger Delta as well.
Attacks by Nigerian Militants on the Oil Infrastructre continue as well.
There is a Pattern of Abuses that have been committed. Both Human Rights
Abuses with the Execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa the Prime Example as well as the treatment of the Ogoni People. Environmental Abuses
have been committed as well. Gas Flaring and Oil Spills have contaminated Wells supplying Fresh Water and areas where Fishing
is a prevailing Industry.
After 13 years the People of the Niger Delta are finally having their Day
in Court to hear their Grievances heard in a Court of Law. Now it will be up to a Jury for Justice to Prevail.