August 14,2008
Since the End of July here are some of the Incidents that have occurred in Central Africa:
1.) The LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) walks away at the last moment from a ceremony that would have had a Peace Accord
signed with the Ugandan Government.
2.) The Government of Chad launches a Counter Terrorism Operation in the East of the Country. The end results were mixed.
3.) There are concerns that a ceasefire between the Government of the Central African Republic and the main Armed Opposition
Group the Popular Army for the Restoration of Democracy (APRD)is on the verge of collapse after a reported series of clashes.
4.) There are reports that Militias in the Kivu Provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo are Recruiting again.
The Potential for a reprisal from the UN Mission and the DRC Goverment cannot be ignored
5.) New Reports of Attacks in Darfur by Sudanese Government Forces.
This means that the flow of weapons is gradually increasing!!!
Could there be a New Wave of Violence in Central Africa? Not if some people in a unique location have their way
Beginning this Weekend the Pentagon will be holding a seminar about the proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons into
the Great Lakes Region and Eastern Africa.
Since 1994 Conflicts mostly in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo has left at least 6 Million People Dead
in the Region. Clearly these weapons propose both a short term and a long term security risk to the region as a whole.
This seminar which will be held in the Ugandan Capital of Kampala is the second of a series of five seminars that are
designed to tackle this problem headlong. One of the Keynote Speakers at this Seminar will be the Ugandan Minister of Defense.
The Minister of Internal Affairs of Uganda will also participate in this event.
It is interesting to have the Africa Center for Strategic Studies which is a part of the National Defense University organize
such an event. The NDU is a program where Foreign Military Officers receive training from the Pentagon.
There are a group of Activists who are working against the flow of small arms into the region. Will they sign on to this
effort by the Pentagon. Maybe this will be a excellent opportunity for both groups to share information.
The Confused Eagle thanks Judith Isacoff of the African Center for Strategic Studies for the Press Release about this event.