There are two key Facts to Remember when it comes to this situation. First of all by Most Accounts the Somali TNG (Transitional
National Government) has been considered by Many Experts to be weak.
Secondly and More Importantly for the United States is that there is a serious discussion within the Administration. There
are some in the Pentagon and the CIA which have been wanting to establish Links with the Somaliland Government.
But the State Department wants to wait until the African Union makes such recognition that Somaliland is an Independent

If a Sponsor is Found within the US Congress then this Flag could be flying Amongst Others at the UN Headquarters in New York
Recently the US Undersecretary of State for African Affairs Dr. Frazier was in the Capital City of Hargeisa. She was accompanied
by the US Envoy to Somalia Ambassador John Yates.
After Meeting with Members of the Government and the Opposition Parties Dr. Frazier Made the Following Statement:
"I'm Going Back Home with pleasure of what i have seen,and i will convey a message about what i have seen, which
made me understand that Americans can easily have Business here in Somaliland and come often without facing problems."
Currently there is no Main Sponsor of the Legislation in Washington. The Editor of Confused Eagle has read the Proposed Legislation
and has passed it forward to some Key Activists within the Beltway.
There are some key Questions that will need to be answered such as Can this split be done peacefully unlike what Happened
in Yugoslavia?
And will a Independent Somaliland be a stabilizing factor in the Horn of Africa? These are a couple of the questions that
could be answered if someone steps up and sponsors this Legislation.