There has been an increase in the rhetoric between Asmara and Washington. On more than one occasion the US has accused Eritrea
of supporting the Somali Insurgents with Money, Uniforms and Weapons.
Recent reports by the State Department covering both Human Rights and Religious Freedom have been critical of the Eritrean
Government. Evangelical Churches have to get the approval of the Government just to set up shop in the country. There is also
an effort by the Government to curtail the power of Independent Media Outlets.
But however Ethiopia is by no means a perfect country. In recent weeks there was a concerted effort by Prime Minister
Meles Zenawi to defeat a Bill in the US Congress!! HR %680 will provide US Money to Opposition Groups and is an effort to
improve the Democratic Process in Ethiopia.
For whatever reason the Administration wants a Change to take place in Asmara. But using both Human Rights and the War
on Terror to Change an unfriendly Government? That is an interesting challenge don't you think?

Above you see a Map of one of the Areas of Contention between the Countries.
IF fighting Breaks out between Ethiopia and Eritrea one front could be in Somalia. At least that is what some analysts believe.
There are currently thousands of Ethiopian Troops in Somalia Propping up the Transitional National Government.
In recent days there has been an spike in the violence in and around the Capital of Mogadishu. There were gruesome images
of an Ethiopian Soldier being dragged through the streets of that city that were eerily similar to when dead US Rangers suffered
a similar fate back in 1993.
So this Administration has some goals in mind. And it will try and achieve them by Proxy. Will they succeed?
For More information regarding Ethiopia the Editor suggests that you check out and
Other regional news can be found with my friends at and at you National Section of Amnesty International