First of all it should be duly noted that there has been an surge
in the Violence within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. So all of the problems over the last few years could be once
again Revisited.
Recently IRIN (Integrated Regional Information Networks) A Service of the
United Nations had a Story about the Rampant Use of Rape in the Western Ivory Coast. In Fact the Report Found that this Tactic
In Some Cases the Victims were Harassed or Ingored by Police.
And in Liberia Two Aid Agencies have signed a Document to Fight Against this
Heinous Act.
Africa Where the Rights of Women are in Peril.
The Above Mentioned Countries suffered from Internal Strife in
the 1990s. In all Instances there are now UN Peacekeepers on the Ground. In Liberia there is a gradual UN Pullout underway.
One Factor that cannot be ignored is that in All 3 Nations there are a Large
Number of Internally Displaced Persons or there are Refugees in Camps in Neighboring Countries.
Another Factor in the Rise of Sexual Assault Cases is Political Use. The
Best Example is Zimbabwe. If one does not support ZANU-PF then a Person is taking their life into their own hands.
Currently the US has taken the Following Steps:
The Pentagon has been Training the Armed Forces of Several Nations to Respect
the Rights of Women.
The US has been providing Key Logistical Support to Hospitals and Clinics
that Treat the Victims of Sexual Abuse.
Maybe Washington should send the FBI to Train the Police.......