It has been said that in Comedy timing is everything. There
have been instances in Politics where that has been the case as well. Take the timing of H Res.1227 for Example.
First of all H Res. 1227 deals with the massive number of Sexual Assaults in
the DRC since the Civil War started after the Death of Gen. Mobutu. Thousands of Women have been Raped some of them by Militias
that Permeate the East of the Country. Others have been committed by Family Members under duress and still others by the UN.
The Confused Eagle became aware of this resolution the same day that Save the
Children UK released its report highlighting the number of Sexual Assaults that have taken place in Nepal,Haiti, Cote D'Ivorie
and in Sudan. The UN has Peacekeeping Missions in Haiti, Sudan and in Cote D'Ivorie.
IT should also be noted that Save the Children had to Release some members of
its staff for Abuse as well.

Above you see two victims of Sexual Abuse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Photo by Lori Waselchuk
The Authors of the Resolution are Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Brad Miller (D-NC). Some of the Highlights
of this Resolution include:
Assistance from USAID for Hospitals that treat Rape Victims
Having the US urge MONUC (UN Mission in the Congo) move into the Kivu Provinces which is where most
of these abuses have been taking place.
Calling on the Government of Joseph Kabila to take greater accountability in the plight of Victims
of Sexual Abuse.
For More Information regarding this Resolution it can be found on the Library of Congress Webpage at
If you wish to raise your voice regarding this crisis you can contact your Member of Congress via