The Incoming:
This Week A Group of African Focused Advocacy Groups (Including Africa Action and Caring For Kaela.) Issued A Policy Paper
regarding the Situation in Chad.
The Situation in Chad has been Plagued with Violence over the Last Few Years as the Situation that is Occuring within Neighboring
Darfur has spilled over the Border. Currently there is a EU Peacekeeping Mission Currently in the Country.
Earlier this year A Rebel Movement that was in the Minds of Some People Inspired to Act by the Current Sudanese Government
launched an Attack against the Chadian Capital of N'Djamena.
There are 4 key Reccomendations that this Paper Suggests that the Incoming Administration Take.
1.) Urge the Chadian Government to implement a Comprehensive and inclusive Peace Process to Stabilize Chad.
2.) Give MINURCAT a peace to keep (EU Peacekeepers.)
3.) Vigorously implement all US Law with respect to Military Assistance to Chad
4.) Provide Adequate and Equitable Funding within the context of an overarching Chadian Development Strategy.
One thing has become clear over the last few years: The Futures of Chad and Darfur are intertwined.