Resolve Uganda listed a series of recommendations for the United States to take to help
bring an end to the conflict in Northern Uganda.
The Recommendations include:
1.) Passing Legislation that will ensure a US Presence in the Rebuilding of the Region. It
will take an estimated $175 Million over the next five years to complete this daunting task
2.) Ensure that this and the Following Adminstration lead the multilateral efforts to rebuild the
Region. And having the US take steps to address the threats by the LRA.
3.) Hold the Government of President Museveni Accountable to coordinate the Rebuliding Process and
to bring the region into a comprable state with the rest of the country.
4.) Convene a Donors Conference on Uganda to ensure Financial committments for a maintained rebuilding
process is crucial.
5.) Have a Diplomat work full time with the UN and other concerned bodies to deal with the LRA and
other Issues.
6.) Begin a Process for the Apprehension of Joseph Kony.