First of all lets discuss the Internal Political Climate in Gambia. On the Surface there is ample room for concern by International
I.)Freedom of the Press
This has been a concern over the Last two years. Independent Media Outlets have been targets of the State Security Forces.
The High Profile Murder of Journalist Deyda Hydara in 2005 remains unsolved to this date. Now this Magazine takes Great Pride
in working with Gambian Journalists currently residing in plying their trade here in the United States. During the Fall Two
Members of the Amnesty International Staff were detained in the country after conducting a Seminar on Freedom of the Press.

This is the Flag of the Gambia. Which is becoming one of the most repressive nations in the World!!!
II. Actions of the Security Forces
We have read of the The Suppression of Independent Media Outlets in Gambia. This is not however the only misdeed that
has taken place under the current regime however. There have been persistent rumors of at least two massacres committed by
the Security Forces.
The First Massacre reportedly took place in July 2005. In that Month 54 Ghanaian Nationals were murdered by Elements of
the Security Forces. There have been reports that senior members of the Gambian Military actively took part in the atrocity.
Despite the Efforts of Human Rights Groups to investigate the matter the State House in Banjul is Stonewalling any attempt
to investigate.
There are now reports that 15 Casamance Rebels were also killed by the State Security Forces in September of 2007. Earlier
this year the Armed Forces of Guniea-Bissau drove the Rebels from their Main Base into the neighboring parts of both Gambia
and Senegal. There is some notion that this Massacre was used to get leverage over neighboring Senegal. These acts are not
what the region needs right now. More Instability in this region will be detrimental after a decade of Conflict in the 1990s.
For more Information regarding the Gambia the Editor recommends the Following Sites.,