What Steps if Any has this Administration taken to Change the
Position on Zimbabwe?
Zimbabwe is just One of Several Countries which had the Policies of the Bush
Administration reviewed. This means that President Obama wanted to see what was working and what wasn't.
According to Reports from Harare the US has rescinded its
Travel Warnings
it placed on the Country 9 years ago. In March the US Embassy there Issued a Warning due to Potential Unrest after the Death
of Susan Tvsangiari in a Traffic Accident.
A Recent Check of Travel Advisories on the State Department Webpage showed
that Zimbabwe did not have a Travel Warning in Place at this time.
Although the removal of the Travel Warning could be a Positive Step for the
Struggling Zimbabwean Economy the Sanctions against Members of ZANU-PF are still in place.
Nor is a resumption in Military Contacts to be expected in the near future.