In a Brilliant Political Move the Government in Khartoum has used a complex scheme involving Racial and Religious ties with
both the Arab World and other African States to defuse any attempt by the US and the UN to effectively field a Force for the
Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur.
As a matter of fact they have used the tactics to spread the violence into both Neighboring Chad and the Central African
Republic as well. Recently the UN Security Council has approved a mission for Eastern Chad to protect the Refugees that are
encamped there.
Although the US was focused on the fighting in the South of the Country (which has a large Christian Population as compared
to the Muslims in the north.) during the last decade the US did refer to the violence in Darfur as Genocide.

Above you see a Map of the Areas in Crisis. Darfur, Eastern Chad and the Northeast Central African Republic. We all hear about
Darfur but why not Chad or the CAR?
Most News reports have highlighted the level of suffering that is occurring in Darfur. But there are two key points that most
don't discuss:
1.) Why haven't Most Media Outlets discuss the activities by Sudan's Intelligence Apparatus? It is believed that they
have behind the upsurge in violence in the CAR and in Eastern Chad. They are accused of providing Arms and Equipment to the
rebels during the last two attempts to overthrow the Government of Chad.
2.) What role are both Russia and China Playing? Both Countries have Vetoes on the UN Security Council. Both Nations have
watered down any effort to place any substantive force on the Ground in Darfur. Are both countries banking on a US Failure
in Iraq to maintain the status quo?
3.)In the Most recent issue of Newsweek there is a item that is very critical of groups like the Save Darfur Campaign.
They are keeping the issue in the forefront. So why are they being attacked?
On 9 November the National Security Council Met to discuss the Situation. It was decided then to pressure US Allies in the
Middle East and Africa to contribute Troops and other Logistical Support. So when will Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other states
ante up?
The US can use some leverage in this situation. But if its left to Khartoum those who slander the Prophet will not set
foot in the country.
OK Mr. President its time to end this