Another Area of Concern The Horn of Africa:
There are Several Areas that are Flashpoints or could evolve into one.
The Situation in Somalia does not show any sign of Improvement anytime soon.
Ethiopia has stated that if there is a Peace Deal reached in Somalia then it will withdraw its Forces.
Although it does not appear likely there is a Possibility that War Could
Erupt between Eritrea and Djibouti. Tensions between Washington and Asmara are a concern. Another Concern is that over 2,000
US Troops are Stationed in Djibouti.
Earlier this Year then Senator and Candidate Obama did call the Rival Leadership
in Kenya in an Effort to Diffuse the Fighting that began after the Controversial Presidential Elections there. So Relations
with Kenya will be a Priority for the Obama Administration.
Foreign Oil is a Bane on the Economy of the United States right Now. This
year Angola overtook Nigeria as the Largest Oil Producer in Africa. Currently 20% of the Oil Imported by the United States
Eminates from the Gulf of Guinea. There are concerns regarding Insurgencies as well. (Niger Delta, Bakissi Peninsula)
So until the US is weaned from Oil this will be a Factor in US Policy towards
Africa. And Oil seemingly goes Hand in Hand With Terrorism.