An Increased Military Role?
The Stops in both Kenya and Nigeria are where this issue came up. In Kenya Secretary
Clinton met with the President of the Somali Transitional National Government. During this Meeting a Second Arms Shipment
to the TNG was Promised.
Fighting still rages throughout Somalia as the TNG and Al-Shabbab fight for Control of
the Country. In another development The Secretary also stated that all Options remain on the table for Eritrea. Since 2006
when Ethiopia intervened in Somalia with the Assistance and blessing of the Bush Administration. There has been reports of
Eritrean Aid for the Insurgents it seems like for every six months. So the Obama team is following the Lead of the Bush team
in this Instance.
Nigeria has once Again formally requested for US Military Assistance to deal with MEND
in the Niger Delta. A Better Course of Action would be Investing in the Infrastructure of this region instead of sending a
US SEAL Team or Green Berets into a Fight which may not be necessary.
The LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act still moves along through the Congress.
How this Bill is interpeted could determine whether or not Congress could demand Covert Actions in Africa.
Rape in the Congo:
This is a long running and multi-faceted Problem Plaguing the DRC. There are several
reasons for this Problem. These include: The Lack of Central Authority in the KIvu Provinces which has led to Militias setting
up and enforcing their own Laws, The Enforced Intergration of Militia Units into the FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo) and the Lack of Interest of the Major Powers including the USA.
The US has been setting up Hospitals and Programs that treat both the Physical and Physcological
Problems that these Women Endure. In some cases these Ladies will be shunned by their families and Villages so something needs
to be done to help them. The Amount Promised is a great start.