A recent Editorial in the Nation Magazine was very critical of the Administration and its effort to spread Democracy by the
tip of a Bayonet. After all it has support the quagmire that Ethiopia is now in neighboring Somalia.
Past Administrations have sent Envoys to broker Peace in the myriad of conflicts that have plagued Sudan since the 1980s.
With the exception of States such as Russia and China there has been growing angst as the violence in Darfur has spread into
both Chad and the Central African Republic over the last couple of years.
Regarding the Situation in Zimbabwe, President Mugabe has had the support of both the main Power in the region South Africa
and his long standing ally China. Mr. Mugabe has been proficient as painting the Opposition as cronies of both Britain and
the United States. That is when he is not rigging Elections.
So Russia and China feel that the UN has no power to intervene in Zimbabwe and feels that the Indictment and President
Bashir is not good to the region.
China has Financial Interests in Both Countries. Russia has major interests in Sudan!!!!

AFRICA: Once again and ideological Battlefield.
For whatever region there are several states that have been resistant to change in several African States. It is not a fluke
to see that the list of countries that have been critical of the Zimbabwean Presidential run-off includes Rwanda, Kenya, Zambia,
Botswana, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Some of these Nations were plagued by Violence back in the 1990s.
Autocratic States have a history of assisting each other when a dire need arises.
these situations are not showing any signs of being resolved in the near future.