Now lets turn our Attention to Uganda.........
The African Union has submitted Uganda to be the African Representative to
the UN Security Council for the Next two years.
President Museveni has a close relationship with President Bush. Twice before
He threatened to Invade the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Crush Ugandan Militias that are active in the Eastern Part
of the Country. Both Times the White House Gave its Blessing.
Internally Uganda has some serious problems. An Insurgency that has lasted
for over two decades has devestated the Northern Part of the Country. Economic Investment is a necessity for the restoration
of Peace.
Thousands have been killed. Millions live in Internal Displacement camps
where disease and Government Indifference are rampant. There are Thousands of Children that have been conscripted to fight
against the Government that need Medical Care. Recently there has been an outbreak of Hepatitis in some of these Camps.
Currently Uganda is one of the few Nations that is supporting the Nation
Building effort in Somalia. But it maintains an Agressive Posture in the Region.