There is more than one source of Friction in this Crisis. Corrupt Governments at Home, Exploitation of Natural
Resources within its boundaries and both Genocide in its Neighbors and having it be the target of Invasions have dealt the
country a poor hand.
So during this three day period a coalition of Religious Groups, Human Rights Advocates, Environmental Groups
and the Congolese Diaspora held a Conference to Educate Concerned People about the Situation in the DRC. And they will be
making their Concerns known in Washington,DC.

Will the United States take a More Constructive Role in the Congo Before President Bush Leaves Office? Or will
He leave it to his Successor?
The United States has a Checkered History when it Comes to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
It tried to asassinate Patrice Lumumba shortly after the Country Gained its Independence from Belgium. It also
provided logisitical Support for Western Troops on more than one occasion when they Intervened in an Internal Congolese Crisis.
Afterwords it propped up the Corrupt Regime of Mobutu Sese Seku for Decades before Ill Health forced him to relinquish
power in the 1990s. Afterwords there were two brutal conflicts in the strategically placed Central African Country.
The Country is in dire straits. It is on the verge of being considered a failed state. Those who attended the
conference in Washington are asking the US to take a more Positive Role in the Situation. After all we helped create this
For more Information on the DRC Check out the following sites: