This week has seen another Campaign Tactic Backfire on the Clinton Campaign. A Photograph of Senator Obama wearing
Traditional Somali Garb surfaced on the Internet. According to the Drudge Report they received it from the Clinton Campaign.
When the question of the Picture came up in the Democratic Debate in Cleveland Senator Clinton denied any knowledge
of the release of the Photograph. Senator Obama took Senator Clinton for Her word regarding the release and let the issue
go away for the rest of the debate.
But in Kenya they are not buying into it............

This is the Picture that is at the Root of the Controversy
Members of the Tribe of the Late Senator's Father are Protesting the use of the Photograph in an attempt to smear
the Candidate. So on Feb. 29th they held a Protest aganist the Use of the Photos.
However they are also planning on Holding the US Government Accountable as well. IF the US Government does not
Apologize to them for this Incident then they are demanding that the US Forces currently Operating in the town of Garissa
be Removed.
Currently there has Been No Comment from Either the State Department or the Kenyan Embassy in Washington.
For More information regarding Recent Events in Kenya the Confused Eagle Recommends the Following Sites:
Amnesty International USA
Kenya London News