The Decision by the United States to Diplomatically support the efforts
by Trade Unions, Churches and other Civil Groups was a pleasant suprise.
Having all aspects of the American Intelligence Services and the Diplomatic Pressure on South
Africa, Namibia,Mozambique and Angola not to let the Vessel Dock has been a source of support for this Coalition and has been
a Major Diplomatic Defeat for both Zimbabwe and China.
Nations that has been Heaping Support on Mugabe did an About Face and refused to let the Chinese
Vessel dock.
Why would the US take this opportunity to take such action? The Term of President Bush ends
in Jan. 2009 and had been reluctant to take any major action on its on accord when it comes to Zimbabwe.
Could it be that we wanted to build good will in the region? Probably
Were there Chemical Agents on board the Chinese Ship? (aka Tear Gas and other Crowd Control
Items) That is the $ 64 Question right now. It could be a reason for the rapid decision by the United States to prevent the
ship from docking.