Over the last few years Piracy has been a Booming Trade in Somalia.
The Southern End of the Red Sea just happens to be one of the World's Busiest Shipping Lanes.
The Situation with the 30 Tanks and other assorted Heavy Weapons that have
been seized by the Pirates shows no sign of an outcome in the near future. Negotiations continue along at the average pace
of how the Ransoms are paid. (Average time is 6-8 weeks.)
The situation in Somalia is once again showing signs of deterioration. There
are rumors of a Pull out by the Ethiopians. And the Islamists are threatening Kenya if they follow through with a plan to
train the TNG troops.
So with this being Grandfathered to CENTCOM how will AFRICOM react to any
future crisis?
Africa the Next Hot Spot
Another Area of Concern is the Gulf of Guinea Region. It has
been documented that over 20% of the Oil Imported by the US originates from this region.
Other Concerns that the US has regarding the Gulf of Guinea include Drug
Trafficking, Proliferaton of Arms and Supporters of Al-Qaida supposedly gaining Influence in the Region.
So when the site www.africanews.com had report from a blogger in Cameroon that the US had conducted Search and Rescue training for Elements of the Military
of both Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea one would think that it would at least garner some interest.
Most Media Outlets did not cover it. Both Nations have serious issues with
Human Rights over the last few years. Earlier this year Economic Protests within Cameroon were Brutally Supressed.
Very Little Information Makes it to the International Media regarding the
Internal Situation within Equatorial Guinea.