The Reason that there may be a shift in US Policy in the region is due to remarks made by Robert Gates the Current Secretary
of Defense.
The Secretary of State was visiting US Forces in Djibouti during December. At this time he stated that maybe it was time
for the United States to Legitimately acknowledge the Independence of Somaliland. This Position which is backed by the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs and the CIA has been at odds with the State Department. State wants to wait until the African Union declares
Somaliland to be a Free and Independent State.
Above is the flag of Somaliland. Will it soon fly among others at both the AU and the UN Headquarters?
The fact that the current Administration is having this discussion could possibly mean that it feels that the current strategies
of Supporting the Weak Western Backed, UN Brokered Transitional Government has been a failure. The Policy of Supporting the
Ethiopian Incursion in support of the Government can be construed as a failure as well.
Since the State Department is talking to the leadership and both the CIA and the US Horn of Africa Command is having discussions
with the Security Forces of Somaliland could indicate that the US may recognize the De Facto State of Independence for Somaliland.
Note: Djibouti is the ONLY country in Africa that hosts American Troops at this time.