Since the Controversial 2002 Elections and their aftermath the United States has imposed some form of Sanctions against the
Republic of Zimbabwe. In the Past those that have been targeted were the Security Forces and Certain Members of the Ruling
There was a small glimmer of hope when it first appeared that Morgan Tsvangari had won the March Election. But after that
date Actions taken by the JOC (Joint Operations Command) comprising the leaders of the Main Security Forces Rigged the Election
to force a run-off. After a Campaign of Violence the Opposition Candidate was forced to withdraw creating the current impasse
between Zimbabwe and the World.
This Expansion of the Sanctions targets two new areas. The Banking Industry and the Mining Sector. Currently these are
the two main sources of Foreign Exchange for the Zimbabwean Government.
So what effect will these Sanctions have upon a Country that has seven digit Inflation and a High Unemployment Rate? Or
will these Sanctions be the catalyst to have the Neighbors of Zimbabwe finally do something to restore Peace and Tranquility
to a long suffering Nation?

President Bush has increased the scope of the Economic Sanctions that are currently in place against Zimbabwe.
Currently the Mediation Efforts of President Mbeki of South Africa has been Augmented by both the African Union and the United
Nations. Recently a Memorandum was signed by ZANU-PF and the MDC to initiate talks to form a Government of National Unity
similar to what occurred in Kenya earlier this year.
But despite the Memorandum there is considerable skepticism about the Talks that are taking place in South Africa. could
this be a reason for the Actions of the US? After all there has been some disdain in Zimbabwe towards the Action of the Western
The Situation within Zimbabwe may be a Matter for the Next President to Finally take care off.